This is probably copyrighted material ©

Thanks to +JOHN SKEATS, for the inspiration and the permission to be able to post this!

This is probably copyrighted material ©

I found a post in my email from someone at Google plus, about using and re-sharing posts. There is always a copyright problem. It used to be, a copyrighted article or picture had a copyright logo on it. That logo is a circle with a c, in the center.
If you want to add this logo to your work, here is how to do that.

On a PC

… simply hold down the ‘Alt’ key and key in the numerals 0169. When you next lift your finger off ‘Alt’, the copyright symbol will appear. NB You must use the numeric keypad on the right of the keyboard. NOT the numerals running along the top. ©

Typing the copyright symbol on a MAC…
… simply enter Option + G
So…I got a post saying it isn’t cool to share others work unless you have express permission to do so. EVEN if that work is public, and has been shared publicly. There are ways to find out about whether something is copyrighted, or in ” public domain ” , and I will bring that article to you tomorrow, maybe….

John Skeats originally shared:
Resharing Other People’s Materials: What You Should and Should Not Do

You are implicitly welcome to use the Google+ Re-share function to re-share any Public posts with anyone you want. That is arguably the highest compliment you can give for a post. Mentioning the person who created the post in your re-share and giving a “hat tip” to a person who might have re-shared the copy you saw is not only courteous, but is likely to result in those people joining the conversations on your posts, as well.

It is never appropriate to copy-and-paste someone else’s post content (text or photos) into a post of your own without the express permission of the original poster. That is true — even if you include a comment crediting the original author or photographer. Not only is that poor etiquette, but there is a good chance that you would be violating copyright laws as well if you were to do that doing so.

One important note: you should always be careful re-sharing posts that were shared privately because the originator of the post might consider re-sharing with the wrong audience a breach of their privacy. If you are not sure, ask the person who created the post before re-sharing their post with anyone the original post was not shared with.

+rusty garner-smith You’re welcome to re-share it. I shared it with Public and did not disable re-shares, so that is implicitly okay. I would not appreciate your copying the post and sharing it as if it were a new post even if you included an attribution.

So, I got permission to post this legally. It took nearly all day to do so, and I went through all kinds of channels to make this happen. If you have questions about whether you can or can’t post something, the best course of action is to locate the ” ORIGINAL ” document, or author and see what permissions are required. Again I want to thank +JOHN SKEATS for his contribution on this article.

Here are the comments that came up, before I got my answers, and I am sorry to all of those who responded, I don’t have time to ask all of you If I may include this in the article. Once again we run into the question ” Re-sharing Other People’s Materials: What You Should and Should Not Do “.
Gerald BakerYesterday 7:09 AM+1
+John Skeats thanks 4 Tip
Nel PaYesterday 7:15 AM+2
Good one +John Skeats, keep going on this line, there are many(thousands) people using others Post’s.
John SkeatsYesterday 7:18 AM+2
Thanks, +Nel Pa. Unfortunately, I have to agree with you about the large number of people who steal other people’s work — because that it is really what it is. I have run into a lot of people who do not realize that what they are doing is wrong, so we can always hope that at least some of them will see posts like this and finally get it.
Nel PaYesterday 7:24 AM+1
+Bob Fisher: te das cuenta, que Google, ve esas prácticas como SPAM Y falta de etiqueta y legitimidad y por lo tanto son cuestionables. Y a los culpables los están investigando y mucha gente los rstá bloqueando. Saludos paisano!

+CLIVIA NOVIAS Espero que entiendas inglés y sino usa el traductor. Compartir contenido original y dando el crédito correcto está bien, pero no está según las normativas de Google re-compartir material de personas que están en los CÍRCULOS SHARED ( están mal vistos y sus cuentas son falsas por lo tanto so SPAM!

+Dennis Josue Avila Ceballos(la forma correcta de postear) lo que te decía días atrás y no quisiste entender!
Nel PaYesterday 7:37 AM+1
+John Skeats, it’s a shame… But if you, as the same way +Google+ Top Contributors Have been Continues follo those people with than untrusting practice. They’ll stop of doing SPAM!
John SkeatsYesterday 7:38 AM+1
+Nel Pa I don’t tolerate content theft when I am aware of it.
Tiffany JohnsonYesterday 7:44 AM+2
+John Skeats​ thanks for this. I believe that there is a lot of neglect of and misunderstandings about Copyrights these days. Many people aren’t even aware that most of what they find on the internet is under copyright protection or at least cc. Kudos.
Nel PaYesterday 7:44 AM+1
Amazing! .+John Skeats, 😉 I must leave U. I’m working!
Mike NoyesYesterday 7:44 AM+1
+John Skeats Some of this was discussed in +Mark Traphagen’s post on Google Scraper Report. It has some information you may want to add to your post.
Copyright ViolationYesterday 7:45 AM+6
Absolutely necessary to share, thanks +John Skeats .
When we look e.g. in some large G+ communities we see unfortunately the opposite of what should be done.
Rupert WoodYesterday 7:52 AM+5
maybe there should be some mention of those who all they do is reshare posts, often without any obvious purpose. I tend to block those who just reshare dozens of posts in a short space of time when there is no attempt to add to or explain why they are resharing so many posts.
Charlie HooverYesterday 8:07 AM+1
I really wish more people would be better about this stuff. When I do my #gqotd and #gsotd posts I always take time to attribute things like artwork back to the original creator. It’s not hard people…
rusty garner-smithYesterday 8:07 AM+3
Hey +John Skeats: May I re-post this for others to use? I do agree with the comments about this subject. Sometimes the original poster doesn’t respond to inquiries, and if the post is important, many miss out on said information. I probably have violated many rules, for these reasons.
Dawn BoeppleYesterday 10:11 AM+2
Guilty as charged! Can i at least have the black sack placed over my head & eyes….?
Kenneth Geiger IIYesterday 10:30 AM
Pretty sure I’ve done everything I shouldn’t and nothing I should.
Danny RivasYesterday 10:34 AM+1
If you are worried about it getting spread around, don’t post it.
Dawn BoeppleYesterday 10:36 AM+2
Im guilty for copying off fb & not requesting permission to do so…😝
Danny RivasYesterday 10:41 AM
Oooh, +Dawn Boepple , I’m telling…. Lol.
knightbear evansYesterday 10:49 AM+2
I understand what you say. But so what. Take my posts if you want to I don’t care. To many rules in the world as it is!!! When comes to copyright ballshit whats wrong with shareing don’t we teach kids to do that? Yep. I agree that you should name the original owner as its there’s fair does. Like g+ does. And thats good. All copyright is to make more money just like every thing in the world we live it. Full stop ! : )
Black DragonYesterday 1:37 PM
Sharing is caring
John SkeatsYesterday 2:24 PM+1
+rusty garner-smith You’re welcome to reshare it. I shared it with Public and did not disable reshares, so that is implicitly okay. I would not appreciate your copying the post and sharing it as if it were a new post even if you included an attribution.
Dawn BoeppleYesterday 6:14 PM+1
Oh please Danny,don’t kno what happens to tattle tales…..and ME TOO🔫🔪🚽…
Doesn’t look good for us…😆😡
Kenneth Geiger IIYesterday 6:16 PM

And you can see by the responses, Many people share, and some attribute the original author, and that is still “STEALING “. Even though we give links, and show all of the post, so nothing will be misconstrued, unless we have PERMISSION, we are all GUILTY, as charged!

4 thoughts on “This is probably copyrighted material ©

  1. That’s a very informative post.

    The issue of copyright is a big headache to me. So, I really do my best to not get involve with this issue since it’s hard to know what is the “right” thing to do to not violate any copyright laws. And most of the time, copyright logic = troll logic… So, I prefer to come up with original ideas for my post, if not, I only used public domain materials…

    Liked by 1 person

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