25 Most Terrifying Spiders On Earth

photo-space spider

Google images-Space Spider

Also here is another link to see if the bugs in your neighborhood are nice or nasty.  http://www.insectidentification.org/spiders.asp

I made a mistake or two in this article. Fortunately, the watchmen were there to put me in my place. I want to thank

fret0buzz0blog.wordpress.com  for helping me get my facts straight. I have made a couple of revisions here so I hope I don’t lead anyone astray with false facts.  Thanks Fretobuzzoblog for your assistance. I do appreciate your help charlie610kempson. You are favored by me. I don’t mind being corrected, sometimes, although my wife would tell you all differently.

25 Most Terrifying Spiders On Earth

People are terrified of spiders, and rightfully so. No matter how many scientists try to tell us not to be afraid of spiders — they’re just freaky looking. They’re like nature’s horror movie. Even if it can’t hurt you… ew!

Anyone who tries to argue that spiders aren’t scary either has too much time on their hands, is flat-out weird, or both. These spiders prove that.
1. Tube dwelling spider

photo-www.rantpets.com Tube dwelling spider

http://www.rantpets.com Tube dwelling spider

Their front legs point forward, unlike most spiders. Scientists have no clear answer why and “think” it “appears” to be a way for them to live in tubes. Why do they want to live in tubes and why don’t we know for sure? Get on this, science! The life you save may be one of ours.

2. Gradungulidae

They’re known to spin some seriously complicated webs out in the wild. Any spider with smarts on a level like that is seriously up to no good. Why does a spider need to have architectural skills? They’ve got a plan and it’s probably best to not be there when it happens.

3. Trapdoor Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com Trapdoor spider

http://www.rantpets.com Trapdoor spider

These sneaky sons of guns build little burrows, line them with webbing, construct a manhole cover out of dirt, and sit in the burrow waiting. Just waiting. Then when something walks by… bam, they throw the door open and drag the unsuspecting critter into their lair of death.

4. Spruce-Fir Moss Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com   Spruce-Fir Moss spider

http://www.rantpets.com Spruce-Fir Moss spider

Found in North Carolina and Tennessee, these guys hide under rocks and leaves for no other reason than to scare you to death. They are technically an endangered species

5. Triangulate cobweb spider

photo-www.rantpets.com   Triangulate cobweb spider

http://www.rantpets.com Triangulate cobweb spider

You know when you walk through the hallway and get wrapped up in a spider web and freak out? It’s this guy’s handiwork. While they actually serve a great service by eating other more dangerous pests

6. Sydney Funnel-Web Spider

photo-Sydney Funner-Web Spider www.telegraph.co.uk

Sydney Funner-Web Spider

Bites from males can be lethal, but you don’t need to worry unless you live in the Australia.

7. Brazilian Wandering Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com  Brazilian Wandering Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Brazilian Wandering Spider

Stay clear as their bites are lethal and they are aggressive by nature.

8. Mexican red banded tarantula

photo-www.rantpets.com  Goliath Birdeater Tarantula

http://www.rantpets.com Mexican Red Banded Tarantula

8 1/2 .  Goliath Bird Eating Spider


Goliath Bire Eating Spider

This spider is not lethal to humans, but due to the fact that they are the biggest and heaviest in the world.

8 3/4

photo-animal-kid.com Goliath Bird Eating Spider

animal-kid.com Goliath Bird Eating Spider

9. Bagheera Kiplingi

photo-www.rantpets.com Bagheera Kiplingi

http://www.rantpets.com Bagheera Kiplingi

This spider is not deadly and eats a vegetarian diet

10. Peacock Spider

This spider found in Australia looks friendly but certainly is not.

11. Golden Silk Orb-Weaver

photo-www.rantpets.com    Golden Silk Orb-Weaver

http://www.rantpets.com Golden Silk Orb-Weaver

The golden silk orb-weavers build their webs right at eye level for most humans, their bite is not lethal to us.

12. Giant Camel Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com  Giant Camel Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Giant Camel Spider

This spider can run up to ten miles per hour.

13. Happy Face Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com  Happy Face Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Happy Face Spider

It is safe to assume that no spider with a smiley face on its back is actually friendly.

14. Redback Spider

This scary spider can be found in Australia and has recently been recorded to kill a snake.

15. Tarantula Wolf Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com Tarantula Wolf Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Tarantula Wolf Spider

These spiders are scary looking, but their bite is nothing more than a bee sting.

16. Black Widow Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com Black Widow Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Black Widow Spider

Their bites are said to be 15 times more toxic than a rattlesnake, but luckily enough for humans they are very timid and their first defense is to play dead.

17. Kauai Cave Wolf Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com Kauai Cave Wolf Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Kauai Cave Wolf Spider

This spider has no eyes but is still as scary as they come.

18. Assassin Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com Assassin Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Assassin Spider

These spiders are relatives of the dinosaurs and as a result look very ancient to any human.

19. Argyrodes Colubrinus

photo-www.rantpets.com  Argyrodes Colubrinus

http://www.rantpets.com Argyrodes Colubrinus

Any spider with a name that means snake-like is sure to find its way into your nightmares.

20. Zebra Spider

A spider that jumps, now that is scary!

21. Six-eyed Sand Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com  Six-eyed Sand Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Six-eyed Sand Spider

A cousin to the black recluse has venom that is just as deadly. However, this spider native to Northern Africa seldom bites.

22. Water Spider

The water spider has an intimidating look to it as well.

23. Bird Dung Crab Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com Bird Dung Crab Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Bird Dung Crab Spider

When you look and smell like bird dung that’s a special kind of “no, thank you.”

24. Giant Huntsman Spider

photo-www.rantpets.com   Giant Huntsman Spider

http://www.rantpets.com Giant Huntsman Spider

The giant huntsman has the largest leg span of any spider in the world.

25. Mouse Spiders

Their bites are so deadly that humans have invested tons of money to ensure we have an anti-venom to fight it.


84 thoughts on “25 Most Terrifying Spiders On Earth

  1. Oh! I just remembered! Long ago I saw a spider right here in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
    It was big, very bright yellow with a small black mark. I can’t remember what the black mark is shaped like. Gots to go see if I can find it here in google search!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Some of your photos are not of the right spiders. The “Australian Funnel Web Spider” is incorrect; the picture is of some kind of Wolf Spider.

    Also; the “Goliath Bird Eater Tarantula” picture is incorrect. The Tarantula shown is the Mexican Red Knee.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Opher's World and commented:
    Spiders give me the creeps and I’m a zoologist! I’m fine with stick insects, preying mantids and scorpions. Give me a deadly scorpion any day over a common house spider!
    These guys give me nightmares and I’m wide awake!
    Thanks for the post Rusty

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m already having nightmares and I’m awake! I’m an arachnophobic zoologist! I’m OK with insects – preying mantids, stick insects – but spiders scare the shit out of me – even if they are completely harmless!
    Thanks for sharing (I think) – best wishes Opher (I wasn’t sure whether it felt right to like this)


  5. Holy Crap man!! this is the stuff of my worst nightmares! I have been known to run very fast while screaming like a little girl because of spiders! , I won’t sleep for a week now lol

    Liked by 2 people

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