photo-creative blogger award

creative blogger award

Once again, someone had the audacity to nominate me for an award! As though I deserve it, and I am not so sure I want such honors. I don’t consider myself a Creative Blogger, as for the most part I have been posting others work.

I try to give some interesting posts, with valuable information. Or I try to put up something that will teach others things they probably didn’t realize they would like. Mostly I am a radical looking for an outlet to scream my many causes.

My interests are so varied, I never really know what to offer. What turns me on, usually doesn’t interest anyone else. I am still amazed there are over a hundred people following my site. I was never this interesting in the actual world. I guess the digital world is different.

I am supposed to present everyone with 5 random facts about me, and here I am at a loss. I have been disclosing who I am, the real me, through long-winded stories. I have been trying to categorize them as personal / worms…

That’s another can of worms. I’ve said so much, and yet so little about who I really am, and I can’t even think of 5 random facts.

Here are the rules:

1. Contact all of your nominees and notify them of their award. You can pick as many blogs as you like, but five is the minimum.
2. Give a shout-out to the blogger that nominated you and post a link to their website.
Butchcountry67, you know payback is a bitch, and I know an awful lot about you now, thanks to your randoms, so remember to look over your shoulder whenever you go out. I am not bothered by going under houses, or crawling around in tight spaces, as I’ve had to do that for 30 years working all phases of construction. And I am not bothered by spiders and snakes.

Just kidding! Thanks Butch, for giving me one more opportunity to show off all my skills at being amusing and Creative! I love ya.

3. Share five random facts about yourself.

4. Display the Creative Blogger Award image above your post.

5. Pass along these rules to the nominees.

So hey you nominees, you are the lucky picks for today and I hope you are excited! You all have interesting blogs and I know you are deserving of the honor of putting a CREATIVE BLOGGER AWARD on your site. Sorry if this makes more work for you, with all of the other stuff have to deal with in your lives, but hey, you are creative and you will find a way!

Lynn k Scott


Victoria Iskak



Carole Migalka


5 Randoms…..
1) I am not a food person. I don’t care if I eat or not. I only eat because I have to, and if I could get nourishment from the air I would. Why you ask? I would think that was fairly obvious, but if you insist I will tell you. I think ” having to crap is disgusting “. Yes everyone has to, so we are all in the same boat!

2 ) I don’t drive other people’s cars. I am an excellent driver, with only one accident, when I was 16 years old, and that was someone else passing me. The classic example… The sun was close to setting behind me, while I was making a left turn off of a highway. My turn signal was on, and a VW came whipping past me, while I was already turning. Their rear bumper hooked my front bumper, and it pulled the tail end off of the VW. The judge said that was impossible, and the other driver was a pretty woman ( even dressed my best, I am not pretty ), so I took a fall for that. I don’t drive other’s cars because Murphy always is looking for an excuse to visit me!

3 ) I don’t borrow. Not a thing. Every time I borrow something, it turns into some nightmare or other. The lender suddenly needs it back, or are so worried their junk will get stolen, or some such. Then there is the problem, the thing I would borrow is a piece of shit, and it will break, and I have to replace it! If I could afford to buy something, I would, but since I can’t afford to buy something, I usually go without.

4 ) I have a tendency to trust people, even though I’ve been around a long time, and know too many people aren’t to be trusted. I want to believe humanity is generally good, and I don’t want to just assume everybody is really only looking out for themselves, and don’t care about me, even though I keep being proven wrong on that score.

5 ) I was single until I was 35 years old! I decided not to marry my childhood sweety. I had to prove to myself I could take care of me, before I took on the responsibilities of having a family. On May 5th 2015, I will be celebrating my 25th anniversary! My wife let me know a long time ago, this would be a permanent arrangement, as I was too hard to train!

So that was my five randoms, and I hope it made everyone’s day.

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