Another Story About Plastics?

I am sorry to keep plaguing you all with more of the same ole posts. When it turns out no matter what products we use or buy, it seems to be a choice about not really having much choice. We are at the mercy of the manufacturers, and don’t have any say as to how products are made, packaged or sold. Someday we may be able to uninvent some of the things that have both, improved and hurt our lives and environment.

More Windows 11 News

Hey there, I’ve run into another article you may want to read. Hope it helps.

Can Your PC Be Updated To Windows 11?

Hey all. Here is yet another article about windows 11, and what it may mean for those that are looking for a pc, or those folks that are hoping to upgrade.

I hope you find the info helpful. I currently am reliant on my dumb smarter than my old phone, and I hate trying to post with the tiny touchpad, and my large finger!

Anyway, enjoy .

What are we to do with all of that plastic!

A fellow blogger had this post and I’m sure if we were to work at things, we can overcome the massive piles of plastic waste we keep managing to create.

I’m afraid I don’t know the name of this blogger, but I have found many great scientific articles here. You should check them out.

Is recycling a waste? Here’s the answer from a plastics expert

Another article to catch some attention. I am not able to add articles together, as I am no technogenius, so there will be a second post from a fellow blogger following this post.

Starlink review: dreams, not reality – The Verge

Hey y’all. I found another interesting article, and I’m going to pass it on to you. This article sounds more like what we all would expect from new tech, and tells us of some of the problems we might expect.

Ultra – Ever Dry Superhydrophobic coating

The Official Ultra-Ever Dry Video – Superhydrophobic coating – Repels almost any liquid!

Published on Nov 12, 2012
Ultra-Ever Dry is a superhydrophobic (water) and oleophobic (hydrocarbons) coating that will completely repel almost any liquid. Ultra-Ever Dry uses proprietary nanotechnology to coat an object and create a barrier of air on its surface. This barrier repels water, oil and other liquids unlike any coating seen before. The other breakthrough associated with Ultra-Ever Dry is the superior coating adherence and abrasion resistance allowing it to be used in all kinds of applications where durability is required. Keep your stuff Ever Dry and neverwet!

For more information visit us at:

ULTRA-EVER DRY HOTLINE: 800.764.9566 • 904.854.4334


Ultra-Ever Dry is a superhydrophobic (water) and oleophobic (hydrocarbons) coating that will completely repel almost any liquid. Ultra-Ever Dry uses proprietary nanotechnology to coat an object and create a barrier of air on its surface. This barrier repels water, oil and other liquids unlike any coating seen before. The other breakthrough associated with Ultra-Ever Dry is the superior coating adherence and abrasion resistance allowing it to be used in all kinds of applications!


The superhydrophobic coating keeps objects dry, water and many other liquids simply repel off.

The superhydrophobic properties of Ultra-Ever dry keeps coated materials completely dry, eliminating the formation of ice.

Maximum corrosion protection since the superhydrophobic coating ensures water and moisture never actually contact the base material.

Dust, dirt, water and other liquids that contain bacteria or radiation never actually contact the surface of the coated material so bacteria and radiation is greatly diminished or eliminated and easy to decontaminate to sterile, if needed.

The Ultra-Ever Dry repels dirty water and thick oils, and remains clean and virtually bacteria-free. When dust, dirt or other molecules accumulate on a superhyrophobic coated surface, a light spray of water or a blast of air grabs the dust and removes it.

The Ultra-Ever Dry repels dirty water and thick oils, and remains clean and virtually bacteria-free. When dust, dirt or other molecules accumulate on a superhyrophobic coated surface, a light spray of water or a blast of air grabs the dust and removes it.

Build a DIY solar-powered backyard tiller

Here is a quiet, light weight portable garden tiller for small jobs around your place.  The build is simple and the cost really is minimal.

Build a DIY solar-powered backyard tiller

Derek Markham (@derekmarkham)
Technology / Solar Technology
March 24, 2015
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DIY solar tiller

DIY solar tiller
© Dennis Evers
Instead of adding a lot of noise and pollution to your backyard garden with a gas-powered tiller, build a DIY solar-powered version that’s clean and quiet.

One of the surest signs of spring is the Saturday morning roar of two-stroke gas engines coming from lawns, gardens, and backyards, as people start to till their gardens, cut their grass, and trim the weeds. The lightweight small gas engines that power rototillers, lawnmowers, and weedeaters are handy, as they can drastically cut the time needed for yard maintenance, but they also come at a price, both financially and environmentally.

Many of these small internal combustion engines used for yardwork can release as much as 30% of the fuel/oil mixture as unburned pollutants into the atmosphere due to incomplete combustion, which not only wastes fuel and money, but also contributes to air pollution.

“USEPA estimates that a gasoline powered lawn mower emits 11 times the air pollution of a new car for each hour of operation.” – EPA

Solar energy is a great clean power solution for some of these small garden tasks, but there really aren’t a whole lot of options for solar-powered home yard machines available just yet. However, just as the solar lawnmower project demonstrates, building a DIY solar tiller could be an option for the green and clean homeowner, as one resourceful tinkerer illustrates below.

Dennis “Bones” Evers, a Colorado prepper, converted a conventional garden tiller into a completely solar-powered version, using only scrounged parts and taking about 6 hours to complete:

I asked Evers about some of the details of his solar tiller, because the video doesn’t give the specs on the components he used, to which he replied, “This is one of the easier, yet more rewarding projects I have done,” along with some more info on the build:

“It [the solar panel] is a 5 Watt panel, and I use a simple blocking diode (one way) instead of a solar controller. The batteries are two [12V] 5 Ah computer backup batteries that provide enough power to till several beds. I could easily add two more batteries, but as it is it is very easy to use and transport. I salvaged 120 batteries that were perfect and was looking for projects to use them up. One is a four battery micro welder that works fantastic for field repairs.

The motor is a Briggs and Stratton lawn mower starter. I just got in from my garden and it works fantastic. I just leave it out in the garden facing south and use it when I need it. If a person wanted a bigger one, you could easily upgrade with a larger starter from a Ford or Chevy and a full size battery.”
Evers documents his DIY projects at Proficient Prepping, so if you’re looking for some pointers or ideas about building your own home and garden gear, including solar hot water and solar electric systems, or emergency preparedness, head over there and dive in.

Malware! Your Computer Is Infected!

If you suddenly have a bunch of pop-ups, pages opening up, even though you never hit any link, and warnings about your computer being infected, it is.
Don’t call the numbers provided by the message! Those are scammer numbers to sell you free stuff, and they want to get into your computer, so they can leave they’re own bugs in it.

If you have malware go to , and get their free download. Follow the directions all of the way through. Now before you delete all of the things that program found, highlight what it is, and copy the names of the malware onto a notepad, or wordpad document, and go to Google/ search and see where that takes you.

I recommend you go to
and follow this blogs instructions. It will take 4 or 5 different cleaners to remove the malware. I am going to give you a list of links for these cleaners. Some of them are free, and unfortunatly some aren’t.

Once your computer is infected, you may never get rid of it all. The new crap that is infecting your machine is tenacious as hell…
It will take a coulpe of hours to run the cleaners through your computer, and hopefully you will at least regain some control over it.

I recommend you go to , and read some of they’re blog. If you have the names of the malware, type it into they’re search place, and the information you need will magically appear.

Here are some of the cleaners, and tools you will probably have to use to remove the malware. This is hitman pro. When you use it, where it says USER ID type in FREE TRIAL, or free version and they will let you use it for 30 days. This is ADW CLEANER. It will be the first one you run, after you’ve identified your particular infection.

This one will be number two.

This is number three, but if you did what I said earlier, you already have this.

This is number four.

These are some others, but they will cost money. You may have to actually buy some of these to rid yourself of the malware.
A note: I still have to scan my computer every week, and I am still pulling malware out of it. Good luck, and have a nice day!