Another Story About Plastics?

I am sorry to keep plaguing you all with more of the same ole posts. When it turns out no matter what products we use or buy, it seems to be a choice about not really having much choice. We are at the mercy of the manufacturers, and don’t have any say as to how products are made, packaged or sold. Someday we may be able to uninvent some of the things that have both, improved and hurt our lives and environment.

More Windows 11 News

Hey there, I’ve run into another article you may want to read. Hope it helps.

Can Your PC Be Updated To Windows 11?

Hey all. Here is yet another article about windows 11, and what it may mean for those that are looking for a pc, or those folks that are hoping to upgrade.

I hope you find the info helpful. I currently am reliant on my dumb smarter than my old phone, and I hate trying to post with the tiny touchpad, and my large finger!

Anyway, enjoy .

What are we to do with all of that plastic!

A fellow blogger had this post and I’m sure if we were to work at things, we can overcome the massive piles of plastic waste we keep managing to create.

I’m afraid I don’t know the name of this blogger, but I have found many great scientific articles here. You should check them out.

Is recycling a waste? Here’s the answer from a plastics expert

Another article to catch some attention. I am not able to add articles together, as I am no technogenius, so there will be a second post from a fellow blogger following this post.

Starlink review: dreams, not reality – The Verge

Hey y’all. I found another interesting article, and I’m going to pass it on to you. This article sounds more like what we all would expect from new tech, and tells us of some of the problems we might expect.

Starlink review (hands on): How good is Elon Musk’s satellite internet service? | Tom’s Guide

Hey y’all. Here is an opinion of the startlink internet service I found in my news feeds. Maybe it will be the service you’re looking for.

Animator vs. Animation

I found some fun videos at YouYube and thought maybe everybody should just take it easy and kick back. I stashed some booze and whatever around the place, make your self comfy, and I’ll be back later to sweep up, and pack my stuff up…..

Animator vs. Animation (original)
Uploaded on May 14, 2007
Originally made in 2006, entirely with Adobe Flash.
visit my website!

Animator vs. Animation II (original)
Uploaded on May 14, 2007
The animator, looking for a challenge, decides to make the stick figure harder to beat. Little does he know exactly how much power he is giving to the little guy. Long live The Chosen One!

Animator vs. Animation III (original)
Uploaded on Oct 2, 2011
The third episode of the Animator vs. Animation series.
“The Chosen One” from episode two is trapped inside the Animator’s internet explorer in forced labor as a pop-up blocker. This segment follows his eventual escape onto Microsoft Word, Solitaire, Minesweeper, and the desktop.

Animator vs. Animation IV (original)
Published on Oct 2, 2014

The struggle between a stick figure and its creator, a computer animator. In this fourth installment, the animator is finally shown in real life interacting with his computer monitor. The stick figure, resisting his tormentor, attacks his social life by hacking his Facebook account, traveling onto his iPhone via USB cord, and drawing animations of his own to dismantle the

Stick Texting – iPhone App with animations by Alan Becker

Published on Aug 8, 2012
***THE STICK FIGURE LEAPING OUT OF THE BOX IS MERELY A DRAMATIZATION. In the App, he is confined to the text box. ***
I worked with Mitch Robiner to make short stick animations that you can insert in your iPhone text messages in place of emoticons. It’s a brand new app so please help make it super popular!! $1 for a limited time!

Climate Change To Accelerate At Pace Not Noticed in 1, 000 Years

All of the musicians are doing MASH_UPS these days, so I did a mash_up with the climate.
There might be climate change, and some of the effects are going to look just like the movie ” THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW “. Shifting weather patterns will be the norm for a long time to come, and if we continue to burn fossil fuels, the climate may never get back to what it was.

We do have the capability to utilize SOLAR, WIND, and TIDAL energy sources, and that can help some. Cars, factories, volcanoes and many other sources of carbon dioxide emissions will continue this current trend We have gone past, just turning off the lights we aren’t using. We need to be more energy-efficient and conservative with everything we do.

Climate Change To Accelerate At Pace Not Noticed in 1, 000 Years

Climate Change To Accelerate At Pace Not Seen In 1,000 Years – Climate change is accelerating at a rate not seen in 1,000 years, according to new findings. By the year 2020, global temperatures could be rising by nearly half a degree per decade, over twice the rate seen over the last 900 years, climatologists warn.

Over two dozen climate models were examined, with data arranged in 40-year cycles. This is roughly the length of time houses and roads tend to exist, before being replaced. Human activity is releasing vast quantities of carbon into the atmosphere, leading to climate change, including global warming, researchers warn.

Although the long-term effects of carbon on the environment can be simulated in computer models, short-term variations in weather make short-term predictions difficult. A base rate of global heating was determined for the period of 1850 to 1930, when human emissions of atmospheric carbon were much lower than in later decades.

Tree rings, ice cores and corals were examined, in order to create a record over global temperatures, stretching over the last 2,000 years. Investigators found that temperatures rarely rose more than 0.18 degrees Fahrenheit each decade, prior to the start of the 20th Century.

The climate is changing, sorry deniers but it’s true. A major happening is a large piece of a glacier in Antarctica has moved off of the shelf it was sitting on. The super cold freezes sea water, making fresh water ice, and allows the heavier salts to return to the bottom of the ocean. The iceberg that fell off of that shelf is the size of Rhode Island, and that will cause problems with the deep-sea currents.

The other problem is, a large lake under the ice sheets in Greenland has let go, dumping millions of gallons of cold fresh water into the northern end of the same deep ocean current. The two events happening at nearly the same time, has slowed down the Mid Atlantic Current.

That current carries the colder water to the tropics, and brings the heated waters north to the arctic.  With a slowdown in this current the climate will continue to show vast changes in weather patterns, we have not seen in present times.

Here is an info-graphic showing some of the major weather events just in the last year.
Significant Climate Anomalies And Events

Ocean Current Climate
(Infographic: Courtesy NOAA)